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About – VBII

About the VBII

The Vietnam Business Integrity Index (VBII) is a simple and easy to use tool to assess how companies perform in terms of business integrity, transparency and information disclosure. The VBII is intended for companies in VietNam of all sizes, ownership, sectors and structure, listed, privately owned, local or foreign owned or State owned. In other words, any company that is interested in business integrity and see business integrity as a bedrock principle for their growth can use this tool.

The Index is built as a self-assessment tool but can also be used by external stakeholders to assess the state of business integrity (BI) in the enterprise. The Index: 

  • Creates an objective and reliable tool that can measure the performance and assist the process of continuous improvement by participating companies

  • Recognizes and highlights integrity-related issues in participating companies

  • Measures and monitors compliance

  • Encourages companies to develop effective compliance and integrity programmes

  • Provides information to stakeholders on compliance standards and integrity culture

  • Encourages businesses to actively disclosure information on governance, business integrity policies and relevant initiatives, etc.

  • Encourages commitment to integrity of participating companies’ staff and management

  • Provides useful data to policy makers, researchers, activists and other stakeholders working on the BI agenda.

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